Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ObamaNation & McCain's Chicks

Obamessiah is busy promising everything to everyone yesterday while in Toledo, Ohio. His I am going to win spending binge included tax cuts “so you can buy a new winter coat” (you’ll need it since you will have no heat or perhaps no house) and he clearly loves Detroit because he is prepared to give those automaker imbeciles an additional $25 billion in bailout money. I noticed during this speech that the ObamaNation even has its own branded flag on the dais next to the US version.

Eskimo and the Igloo- For being such a tough guy and war hero it has been interesting to watch John McShame make all his women do the fighting. He cannot show up at a rally without having in tow his Eskimo Palin and his Igloo Cindy (who the hell dresses her). What terrible taste in women this man has. Sarah Palin has proven to be the imbecilic, non engaged, infomercial hostess that we all initially thought. Republicans, and not just McCain should be embarrassed for unleashing her, as conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks puts it “ she is a cancer on the Republican Party”. For the most part the “liberal media” has fallen all over itself to heap accolades on Palinocrity as a wonderful and charismatic campaigner. What utter bullshit. The abandonment of the McCain campaign by droves of conservatives from Bill Kristol, Christopher Hitchens, George Will and Brooks should be concerning. Christ even Florida Governor Charlie Crist is making clear he will be somewhat unavailable to the McCain campaign. It’s so insulting to voters that this is McCain’s chosen path to continually dumb down for the “low information voters” as Chris Matthews refers to them. After nearly 20 years of consistent Republican executive rule (short of Clinton’s 8 years) it is now clear the party is not only ideologically & intellectually bankrupt , but that it actually prefers “dumb” as a platform to run on. Dumb is the mantra for the past 8 years and it should come as no surprise that McCain (894 out of 899 in his Annapolis class) would be so self serving as to embrace it. It clearly looks as though after this election the GOP (Grand OBTUSE Party) will be in searching in the woods for decades to find an identity based on any intelligence and ideas.

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